Wednesday, September 2, 2009

last night

Last night, as I snuggled up against my "oh so grown up" daughter just before she drifted off to sleep, she admitted to me that she likes that I'm not working this year. I think she felt like I gave too much of myself to my littles. My little one and only, who is so empathetic and giving, still doesn't like to share mom too much.

And how do I feel about not working? Well . . . I must admit it's been an adjustment. We all know that I don't do so well with surprises and change. But I also know that change is the only way we grow. I also know that this little piece of my life isn't going to last very long and I am going to just sit back and enjoy every teeny tiny sip of it. I love how excited Les is about high school. I love having the time to really enjoy this time in her life. I'm realizing that our time with her living here in our house, making us a perfect little triangle, is going to be over in a blink of an eye. As much as I try to stay in the moment, I can already picture her going off to college and starting the next chapter of her life.

Last night I started to realize, sitting there with my girl, that I didn't really lose anything. I've gained some precious time to enjoy this job that has been the absolute priority in my life since it began 14 years and 9 months ago. I can't think of a better job title: mama.

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