Sometimes I am simply overwhelmed by all of the words and images that float on the screen before me as I scroll through blog-world. To be honest, that's why I've been avoiding it lately. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE that so many ideas are right there at my finger tips. No more searching through magazines and books for something to do with the littles. No need to do the same thing each year with every one of my classes. But sometimes and on some days, it is just too much. For one thing, it isn't humanly possible for me to try each and every one of the activities that I find that I like. Secondly, I have a little trouble keeping track of all the ideas I see. I print them off or stick them in idea folders. I jot down notes on a pad that I keep near my laptop. But, invariably, I forget where I found a great idea just when I need it most. Case in point: these triangles. A few weeks ago (I think!), I saw an idea for teaching organic shapes. The littles trace the shape with a sharpie and then color it in with water based markers. Finally, they spray water over the paper so that the colors run. I loved this idea and the littles had a great time with it but I'm sorry that I can't give proper credit to it's originator :( The computer should be making my life easier - why do I feel like it's just making me crazy???
Thank you! I'll post a link :) I thought I remembered that I found the original post through your site but when I went back to search I couldn't find it :(
yes thank you to the idea master on these.I did them yesterday! we loved it!
Happens to me too everytime! Here's a link to the original post Therese
I tried it too:))
This one has made it's way around the blog circuit. Thanks Therese BRILLIANT!
Thank you! I'll post a link :) I thought I remembered that I found the original post through your site but when I went back to search I couldn't find it :(
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